Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine and the flow of energy along the meridians. Dry needling is based on what we know of anatomy, physiology, pathology and biomechanics.
Dry needling is not acupuncture although it does use acupuncture needles.
Have you tried sports massage and other soft tissue treatments and you haven’t felt improvement? Have you got stubborn sore points that stop you sleeping and you just can’t quite get the relief you need?
Try Dry Needling, it works with the bodies natural healing process to reduce pain and allow proper movement and function.
The idea of needling can make some clients feel anxious but dry needling is not painful, it may feel uncomfortable but it is over within two seconds. The benefits of dry needling far outweigh a moment of discomfort.
Absolutely! As with every clinical technique there are some risks that are rare, the most common side effects is a local soreness around the needle insertion point which will subside within 12-24 hours.
Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine and the flow of energy along the meridians. Dry needling is based on what we know of anatomy, physiology, pathology and biomechanics.
Dry needling is not acupuncture although it does use acupuncture needles.
Have you tried sports massage and other soft tissue treatments and you haven’t felt improvement? Have you got stubborn sore points that stop you sleeping and you just can’t quite get the relief you need?
Try Dry Needling, it works with the bodies natural healing process to reduce pain and allow proper movement and function.
The idea of needling can make some clients feel anxious but dry needling is not painful, it may feel uncomfortable but it is over within two seconds. The benefits of dry needling far outweigh a moment of discomfort.
Absolutely! As with every clinical technique there are some risks that are rare, the most common side effects is a local soreness around the needle insertion point which will subside within 12-24 hours.